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Jakarta faces great challenges regarding waste production and increasing flood risks. Floods -caused by a severe shortage of natural green areas and water- form a life threatening situation within the kampongs and the surrounding built environment. The overpopulated kampongs flood on a daily basis. Jakarta’s canal system is heavily congested with waste and cluttered by riverbed shacks. Dredging of the canal system will imply resettlement of the (illegal) kampong dwellings due to collapsing risk of the shacks. Even though Jakarta’s administration recognizes the importance of resettlement, initiatives in the past have yet failed.The objective of “Jakarta Bersih” is developing a resettlement program that incorporates entire communities, encapsulating the social coherence and livelihood of the existing kampungs within a multi layered building structure, resulting in a sustainable and manageable solution. The building propositions exist of an open framework of fireproof floors and walls. The structure accommodates a clever built-on system of sanitation, sewage, gas and electricity, that is easily accessible, maintained and expanded over time. This structure is to be completed by the inhabitants. This way the community gains a sense of ownership and building costs remain low. Future growth in prosperity will enable the inhabitants to further develop their facades with more sustainable materials, as is common in existing kampungs, which are constantly remodelled over the course of time. The existing kampongs all thrive on the activities connected to the ground floor. In order to maintain the activities in a multistory solution, the diversity in street layouts will be incorporated. Street structures similar to the kampungs are implemented, recapturing the liveliness of the existing communities. Additionally the different floors are connected by slow ramps, rather than mere staircases, giving bikes, warungs and other mobiles the opportunity to reach the upper floors. Room for public and collective functions, such as markets, schools, mosques, health posts, playing grounds, lapaks, is incorporated. In Jakarta Bersih! phase 2 we demonstrate the spatial and functional implications of the  “Jakarta Bersih!”-strategy



Competition IABR-competitie

Program Mixed use

Locatie Jakarta

Year 2009

Designteam Steven Brunsmann, Johan Krol, Tanja van der Laan, Joao Bentes de Oliveira

Booklet Jakarta Bersih! phase 1


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